
The Importance of Tummy Time
The Importance of Tummy Time
While your baby should always sleep on her back for safety, she also need “tummy time” daily, beginning at birth. Initially, laying your little one on her tummy helps to strengthen her motor skills that include raising her head, rolling over, and eventually sitting up. But that’s not all. Tummy time will benefit your little one’s brain development as well. She will see her world from a different perspective helping her to become more aware of her surroundings.   Photo: @chloerodgerson How long should tummy time last? Pediatric recommendations range from 30-60 minutes of tummy time each day, whether it happens all at once or is spread throughout the day in smaller increments. By the time your little one is...

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Caring for Stretch Marks
Caring for Stretch Marks
Stretch marks are often associated with pregnancy although they are very common when someone has either gained or lost a significant amount of weight. If you’ve never had stretch marks (or even if you have!), the stretch marks you may get during pregnancy can be uncomfortable. We have some tips for caring for your skin before, during and after pregnancy to help prevent or heal stretch marks.     What are stretch marks?  Stretch marks (or striae, the dermatological term) are scar-tissue and show up as long, narrow stripes, streaks, or lines that develop in the middle layers of skin. They may appear lighter or darker in color than the rest of your skin. While pregnancy and the gain or...

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Sun Safety for Your Little One
Sun Safety for Your Little One
It’s that time of year when you begin to worry about how to protect your little ones from the heat and sun! Summer is a joyous time to relish in the outdoors, but unless proper precautions are taken it can also be a very dangerous time. Children can suffer short and long term damage of sunburn and heat stroke. According to Baby Center, suffering from one sunburn raises the risk of melanoma and wrinkles later in life. That is a statistic that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Some of the most important tips for sun safety include wearing your sunscreen, avoid playing outside during peak sun times, wear protective clothing, and stay shaded—sometimes easier said than done. Pediatric Dermatologist, Patricia Treadwell,...

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When To Stop Swaddling
When To Stop Swaddling
One of the top questions we get asked is when is it time to stop swaddling your little one. Since each baby is different, there is no exact age that is right to end swaddling. Instead, there are some cues you can look for that will indicate that your little one is ready to sleep swaddle-free. While the advice we are providing below is a great place to start, you should also read the safe sleep guidelines for infants and consult your pediatrician if you have any concerns. What to Look For Is your little one suddenly fussy at night? The Ollie Swaddle is designed to help your little one with the adjustment from the womb. Since swaddling mimics the...

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Finding Your Mom Tribe
Finding Your Mom Tribe
When you become a parent, your lifestyle and relationships change. Whether you return to the workforce, become a stay-at-home-mom or fall somewhere in between, things are bound to change for you. You probably have some mix of friends who are moms and some who aren’t. Some of your relationships will grow stronger, and others will begin to fade. When you become a mom, you may be surprised by which relationships change. You might expect to become closer to your friends who also have children, but that might not happen. Single friends may embrace your new role as a mom and help work around your new schedule. On the other hand, they may not understand that things are different now. Instead...

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